Monday, May 18, 2009

Twitter in Respect to Search Engine Marketing

Over the past couple of years Twitter, the micro-blogging site has taken over the web by storm and thus today, it ranks third after and in respect to its membership. Even though it doesn’t help in search engine optimization of a website, Twitter has a huge impact on search engine marketing (SEM). If utilized perfectly, Twitter can become one of the biggest platforms for promoting online businesses.

With my long-term experience as a SEO, San Francisco, in this article I have provided an overall idea about Twitter and its importance in search engine marketing or SEM. But before going into detail, first let me define what Twitter is about. Even today, when it has already captured the web by storm, many people still have a very vague idea about this new technology.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is basically a micro-blogging site, which can be utilized for marketing purpose. By creating an account at, you basically create a micro-blog for your company. The significant difference between a regular blog site and a micro-blog is that while a regular site allows users to create posts of more than thousand words, Twitter prefers to keep it short by allowing a maximum 140 characters post. Even though the number seems insufficient for writing something meaningful, there are ways through which you can exchange meaningful information over Twitter.

Twitter can turn out to be extremely beneficial for certain online marketers as it provides ample opportunity to build up a very close relationship with people who take interest in your company products or services, which caters to a specific audience. This will undoubtedly make it easier for marketers to market their products or services to interested audience and turn them into potential customers.

But for the people who are interested only on creating links and getting higher ranks in search results, Twitter will be of very little use. First of all Twitter links are NoFollowed and secondly the URLs longer than 30 characters are generally compressed to fit in, which means your keywords might not be visible to search engines. So, if are looking forward to build links and receiving link juice, then Twitter is definitely not for you.

For further queries on Seo San Francisco and Internet Marketing based in San Francisco, feel free to contact us.

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