Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3 Domain Name Registering Tips that You Should Remember While Flipping A Website

When you are planning to flip a website, the first thing that you need to keep in mind is registration of domain name. To make your website flip successful, you need to research and select a domain name that is rich with your targeted keyword. Domain names are the foundation of any website, blog or forum; it marks a brand name for that specific site on the World Wide Web. In this article, you will find three most important tips that you need to consider while registering a domain name for a flipped website.

1. Keyword Rich Domain Names

Registering a keyword rich domain name is always advisable. If you want to generate quick traffic to your flipped website, you must use a good online keyword research tool to find the best keywords in your niche. These tools will help you to make an analysis of the value of keywords and phrases, in terms of generating traffic and its competition in the market.

The first step to do your job successfully is to find the average daily searches by using the keyword tool. For this you can use some of the best free keyword tools like Google AdWords or Wordtracker. Using keyword rich domain name will help your site to get more organic traffic. Moreover, these domain names are undoubtedly more easily branded and marketable and thus help your site to achieve higher ranking in search engines.

2. Short and Relevant

The shorter the domain name is, the better the possibilities are. For example, one word domain names are much preferred than two word domain names and two word names are preferred than three and so on. Shorter domain names are much easier to remember. It might be difficult for you to find a one or two word domain name, but finding a good three or four word domain name would not be a problem for you at all. Try millions of combinations to find the right domain name for our website.

3. Error Free Domain Name

Make sure that your domain name is absolutely error free as far as its spellings and grammar is concerned. Misspelled domains can be a disaster; both for the website and for the business.

As an SEO professional working in one of the promising SEO San Francisco Company, I believe that registration of domain names should essentially be taken care of when flipping a website.

For further queries on Seo San Francisco and Internet Marketing based in San Francisco, feel free to contact us

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1 comment:

  1. I think firstly you should know what website you want to build. The you should chose which keyword you want to use to promote. If you want to research then there are many free keyword tools..i can suggest one that can be found out here

    Now you should opt for a domain which contains your keyword. This is quite helpful when you want to promote your website. And its better to register a .com domain instead of any other..

    Nice post anyways..
